Thursday, July 19, 2012

Swimming Pool

It's been a few weeks, so where have I been?  No, Mommy and Daddy haven't bought me anything new.  No, Mimi hasn't made me another repurposed gift (although I'm having even more fun with that wipes container lately).  It's been really hot here, so Mommy has set up lots of playdates with my friends at the neighborhood swimming pool!  Yep, that's where I've been.

A swimming pool is like one gigantic toy.  It's sort of like a big bathtub, but it's even more fun because there are always other tots there.  I especially like splashing on the steps and jumping off of the edge into Mommy and Daddy's arms.  If I really want added fun, I can even bring little toys into the big swimming pool.  I have a special bag that I bring every time I go to the pool.  It has squirt toys, toy boats, diving rings, measuring cups, a watering can, and a baby doll in it.  I really like pretending that I'm pouring my friends tea with the watering can.  So there you have it: the best toy in the whole wide world is a swimming pool.  It's huge, though, so you won't be able to bring it back home to put in the play room.  That's a little bit of a bummer, but at least I have my Step2 water table to play with when I'm at home!

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